Mortality Schedules

"Death Records extracted from Federal and State Census Record Mortality Schedules"

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Butler County Kansas Mortality Schedules, 1860

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Name of inhabitants of Butler County Kansas who died between June 1859 and year ending the 1st of. June 1860, as listed in the 1860 Kansas federal census records.

NameAgeBirth PlaceMonth DiedCauseOccupation
Anderson, John7mKSOct.--
Bunnelson, Isabel30-Nov.Ague-
Burmelson, Isabel30-Nov.Ague-
Lunum, Joseph20MOMar.Cold ChillFarmer
Pard, Charles11mKSMar.Ague-
Scott, David45ILJune--
White, James36MOAug.ErysipelasFarmer