Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley
Deaths occurring during the year ending June 1, 1875, excepting those of persons in the service of the United States, or from wounds or disease acquired in said service.
Towns included in this Mortality Schedule: Bleecker, Broadalbin, Caroga, Ephratah, Gloversville, Johnstown (includes Gloversville), Mayfield, North Hampton, Oppenheim, Perth and Stratford.
Deceased Age Sex Status Date Place of Death Occupation Cause of Death Census Town Adams, Jane 53 F W 30-Jul Fulton Co. - Disease of Stomach Johnstown Allen, ____ina 74 F M 9-May NY - Dropsy Gloversville Allen, W. C. 56 M M 19-Aug NY - Heart Disease Johnstown Anibal, P.W. 15 M S 15-Nov NY Grocery Sales. Typhoid Fever Gloversville Argersinger, George A. 12 1/6 M S 19-Dec Fulton Co. - Diptheria Mayfield Argersinger, Hannah 82 F W 11-Jan Fulton Co. - Old Age Johnstown Arrowsmith, Henry W. 4 3/12 M - 28-Aug NY - Cholera Infantum Johnstown Atkinson, Ida 1 2/12 F S 17-Sep NY - Measels Stratford Austin, Johnathan 70 M W 22-Mar NY - Conjestion of Lungs Broadalbin Avery, Wm. 78 M W 5-Apr Fulton Co. Scrapper Old Age and Broken Leg Caroga Ayres, Alexander 72 M M 7-Nov NY Retired Farmer Ganghrene of the Bowels Gloversville Baker, Alice 28 F M 11-Mar NY - Child Bed Fever Johnstown Baker, Georg C. 10 M S 15-Aug Fulton Co. - Accidental Northampton Baker, Grant 4 M S 15-May Fulton Co. - Scarlet Fever Northampton Ballow, Abner 63 M M 3-Apr Mass. Farmer General Disability Caroga Bank, Electa 63 F M 16-May NY - Dropsy and Consumption Johnstown Barker, Francina 1/12 F S 2-Apr NY - Unknown Oppenheim Beddingham, Clara 2 9/12 F - 9-May NY - Scarlet Fever Johnstown Beddingham, Edward 2 wks M - 14-Jan NY - Scarlet Fever Johnstown Beecher, Hannah 85 F W 29-May Conn. - Infirmity of Age Broadalbin Beemis, Caroline 52 F M 4-Dec Fulton Co. - Liver Complaint Mayfield Behlen, Charles W. 1 5/12 M S 24-Jul NY - Congestion of Brain Mayfield Belden, Norman 65 M M 11-Aug NY Glove Manuf. General Dibility Johnstown Bellinger, Jennie 4 F S 5-Aug NY - Diptheria Ephratah Bentley, Hecktor 5 M S 31-Jan NY - Diptheria Broadalbin Berry, Antoinette 27 F M 4-Aug NY Keeping House Child Birth Mayfield Berry, Emma 30 hrs. F S 25-Jun NY - Spasms Ephratah Betts, Phebe 82 F S 27-Jun NY - Infirmity of Age Broadalbin Bippin, Eli 4/12 M - 12-Sep NY - Cholera Infantum Johnstown Birch, John W. 11 M S 2-Feb NY - Scarlet Fever & Dip. Gloversville Bishop, Lillie A. 1 1/2 F S 9-Apr NY - Dropsy of Brain Mayfield Blowers, Georg 4/12 M S 7-Jan Fulton Co. - Burned Northampton Blowers, Henerettie 23 F S 8-Aug Fulton Co. - Dropsy Northampton Bodie, Albert 1 2/12 M - 18-Apr NY - Spasms hereditary Johnstown Bradshaw, James 63 M W 20-Jun NY Carpenter Dropsy & heart disease Johnstown Branthorst, Viola 16 F M 28-Apr NY - Consumption Oppenheim Briggs, Almira 48 F W 11-Dec Montgomery Co. - Congestion of Lungs Johnstown Briggs, Almira 12 F S 23-Mar Fulton Co. - Spinal Fever Johnstown Briggs, Hisler ? 77 F W 17-Feb Fulton Co. - Consumption Johnstown Briggs, Marvin D. 1 1/2 M S 29-Mar Fulton Co. - Spinal Fever Johnstown Brockett, Sally 90 F W 6-May Conn. - Infirmities of Age Oppenheim Brockway, Tiffie 3 M S 4-May NY - Scarlet Fever Gloversville Brookins, Estella 2/12 F W 30-Jan NY - Inflamation of lungs Johnstown Brookins, Phebe Jane 7 F S 5-Sep Fulton Co. - Scarlet Fever Caroga Brower, Stoller 29 M S 7-Sep NY Agent Consumption Ephratah Brown, Betsy 90 F W 23-May NY House Keeping Infirmities of Age Oppenheim Brown, Cora 8 F S 24-Mar NY - Scarlet Fever Oppenheim Brown, Era 1 10/12 M S 18-May NY - Scarlet Fever Mayfield Brown, Gideon O. 71 M M 17-Nov NY Farmer Disease of heart Northampton Brown, Zabrilla 17 F M 20-Dec NY Laborer Consumption Oppenheim Brundige, Hattie 1 F S 25-Feb Fulton Co. - Scarlet Fever Northampton Burdick, Mariah 62 F M 9-Jul Schoharrie House Keeping Cancer of Stomach Johnstown Burk, Mary 63 F S 9-Jun NY House Keeping Cancer Oppenheim Burna ?, John 3 M S 12-Feb NY - Scarlet Fever Perth Burr, Dexter 7/12 M S 22-Jan NY - Whooping Cough Ephratah Burr, G. W. 59 M M 14-Jan NY Printer Consumption Broadalbin Bushann?, Minnie ? 1 1/2 M S 14-Apr NY - Spasm Perth Campbel, Anna 69 F W 17-Feb Fulton Co. - Nervous Prostration Johnstown Canfield, Truman S. 81 M M 28-Aug Fulton Co. - Old age Mayfield Carnroose, Magdalen 73 F M 15-Feb Fulton Co. - Tumor Johnstown Casler, George 79 M M 16-May NY - Infirmity of Age Oppenheim Casselman, James 6/12 M S 15-Feb Fulton Co. - Inflamation of Bowels Caroga Casselman, Rhoda A. 2/12 F S 25-Sep Fulton Co. - Congestion of Bowels Johnstown Chambers, William 76 M W 26-Aug NY Doctor Abses in Stomach Broadalbin Chango ?, Henry 64 M W 2-Jan Fulton Co. Shoemaker Palsy Johnstown Chase, Isaac (son of A.)19 M S 8-Oct NY - Tyfoid Fever Broadalbin Cheadell, Stewart W. 73 M S 2-Dec NY - Congestion of Lungs Johnstown Christman, Henry 1/12 M S 14-Apr NY - Convulsions Ephratah Churchill, Harry E. 1/12 M S 3-Aug NY - Unknown Gloversville Churchill, Selina 19 F S 21-Mar NY - Hemorrahage Johnstown Claus, Hartty ? D. 8 M S 13-Dec NY - Scarlet Fever Oppenheim Claus, Luwella 10 F S 13-Dec NY - Scarlet Fever Oppenheim Cleavland ?, Mary H. 80 F M 6-May Fulton Co. - Old Age & General Deb. Mayfield Cleveland, D. C. 50 M M 17-Aug NY Carpenter Appoploxy Broadalbin Coan, Catherine 40 M - 28-Feb NY - Cancer in Bowels Johnstown Codeyon ?, Mary Angeline42 F M 6-Nov Fulton Co. - Cancer in Breast Mayfield Coe, Jessie 19 F S 20-Jul NY - Supposed Typhoid Fever Gloversville Cole, Marieh 78 F W 29-Oct R.I. - Consumption Broadalbin Connell, Elen 50 F M 28-Jul Ireland - Consumption Broadalbin Conry, Augustus 9/12 M S 9-Dec NY - Congestion of Lungs Gloversville Cook, Elizabeth 13 F S 5-Nov NY - Typhoid Fever Oppenheim Cook, Henry 29 M M 13-M. NY Farmer Dropsy Northampton Cook, Jessie 3/12 E S 18-Sep NY - Whooping cough Northampton Cook, Permelia 44 F M 16-Oct NY - Typhoid Fever Oppenheim Cool, Daniel J. 86 M M 31-Jul Saratoga Co. - Infirmity of Age Oppenheim Cool, Jacob 77 M W 16-Aug NY - Infirmity of Age Oppenheim Coolman, Etta 5/12 F S 10-Mar Fulton Co. - General Dibility Johnstown Coons, __allie 13 F S 1-Sep Fulton Co. - Typhoid Fever Johnstown Cosselman, Emma 9/12 F S 4-Sep Fulton Co. - Diptheria Johnstown Coulten, Allice - F Paup 25-Feb Fulton Co. - Old Age Johnstown Cramer, Elizabeth 86 F M 17-Feb NY Keeping House General Dropsy Ephratah Cramer, John D. 35 M S 10-Jan NY - Consumption Oppenheim Cri__, Nancy 77 F W 25-Jul NY Keeping House Old Age Ephratah Cronkhite, Henry T. - M Paup 25-Feb Unknown - Old Age Johnstown Crop ?, Maggie 6 F S 2-Apr NY - Conjestion of Brain Oppenheim Cropman, N. R. 60 M M 16-Oct NY Mill Wright Canser Stratford Crouse, Catherine 63 F M 15-May NY House Keeping Dropsy Oppenheim Darteh, Emma 1/12 F S 6-Feb NY - Whopping Cough Gloversville Davis, John 64 M M 22-Apr Wales Minister ___ of Kidnies Johnstown Davis, Margaret 36 F M 25-Jul NY Keeping House Consumption Ephratah Davis, Mary E. 33 F M 20-Jun NY Keeping House Consumption Ephratah Decker, Almida 11 F S 23-Sep NY - Scarlet Fever Oppenheim Deigney, Eliza 26 F M 10-May Ireland Keeping House Confinement Gloversville Delong, Mary ? 6/12 F S 20-Oct Fulton Co. - Heart Desease Johnstown Dempster, Lydia 74 F W 5-Mar NY Keeping House Congestion of the Lungs Ephratah Denure, Moris 2 5/12 M S Feb-29 NY - Scarlet Fever Oppenheim Devoe, Roscoe 14 M S 14-Jan NY - Scarlet Fever Oppenheim Dickinson, Leymon 34 M S 4-Jan NY Clerk Congestion of brain Johnstown Dietz, Elizabeth 21 F M 5-Feb Fulton Co. Glove Maker Consumption Johnstown Dingman, Anna 28 F S 14-Jun Ireland Housework Consumption Stratford Dodge, Jennie 15 F S 28-Aug NY - Congestion of the Lungs Gloversville Dornike ?, Jennett M. - - - 16-Jan NY - Baliomous ? Oppenheim Drew, Herbert 3/12 M - 7-Mar NY - Cold on Lungs Johnstown Duesler, Maria 14 F S 26-Aug NY - Dropsy Ephratah Duncan, Anna S. 86 F W 8-Jan Vermont - - Northampton Durey ?, Wesley ? 27 M M 14-Jan Fulton Co. Teamster Inflamation of L ____ Johnstown Durfee, Jane 79 F W 17-Aug Scotland Keeping House Cancer Ephratah Dusler, Joshua 45 M S 15-Oct NY - Inflamation of Bowels Oppenheim Earl, Debbie 26 F M 13-Oct NY - Heart Disease Gloversville Eaton, Benjamin 27 M S 10-May Fulton Co. - Erambilas ? Johnstown Edenbrack, Mary Ann 19 F S 5-Dec Fulton Co. Glove Maker Consumption Johnstown Edwards, Mariah - F Paup 5-Feb Fulton Co. - Inflamation of Lungs Johnstown Elliot, John - M Paup 24-Jan Unknown - Unknown Johnstown Ercanbrack, Charles 1 6/12 M S 7-Jul NY - Conoulsioius ? Ephratah Ercanbrack, John S. 22 M M 6-Feb NY Butcher Congestion of the Lungs Ephratah Erving ?, Herman 17 M S 27-Oct Fulton Co. Shot Car Cond. Killed on Rail Road Johnstown Eveans, Cynthia 45 F M 21-Sep NY Keeping House Intternthent? Of Fever Gloversville Farmer ?, Abraham W. 71 M M 11-Dec NY Farmer From Fracture of Thigh Northampton Faurbanks, Alonso 19 M S 19-Jan NY Laborer Measels Perth Fe_sted, Hariet 18 F S 9-Aug Fulton Co. - Fever Mayfield Ferris, Anna A. 1 1/12 F S 19-Jul NY - Scarlet Fever Stratford Fidoe, Arthur 1 6/12 M - 29-Nov NY - Congestion of lungs Johnstown Fish, Hattie 74 F W 26-Apr Washington Co. - Old Age Northampton Flander, Eva 74 F S 6-Nov NY - Consumption Oppenheim Fleet ?, William 21 M S 11-Dec NY State Laborer Consumption Johnstown Fondy, Emily 36 F M 27-Nov Fulton Co. - Typhoid Fever Mayfield Foote, Angelica 76 F W 23-Apr NY - Diptheria Johnstown Fort, Isaac 84 M W 14-Aug NY Farmer Paralysis Mayfield Fox, Mortimer 58 M S 10-Mar NY - Consumption Broadalbin Fraser, Luasm ? 55 F M 5-Oct Fulton Co. - - Johnstown Fratz, John C. 73 M M 6-Apr Germany Laborer Tumor Johnstown French, Nathaniel C. 54 M M 23-Sep NY Retired Farmer Dysentery Johnstown Fry, Netty 8 F S 25-Sep Fulton Co. - Diptheria Mayfield Fuller, Nellie 1 8/12 F - 23-Feb NY - Diptheria Johnstown Gardner., Eliza C. 28 F S 9-Jul NY Keeping House Consumption Ephratah Genge, Anna C. 11/12 F S 19-May NY - Congestion of lungs Northampton Genge, Lanesie M. 2 10/12 F S 28-Dec NY - Scarlet fever Northampton Getman, George C. 7/12 M S 24-Mar NY - Inflamation of Lung Oppenheim Getman, Nellie 2/12 F S 8-Apr NY - Convoulsions Ephratah Giffird ?, Anna 2 4/12 F S 17-Dec Fulton Co. - Diptheria Mayfield Giffird, Cary ? E. 9/12 F S 30-Dec Fulton Co. - Diptheria Mayfield Giffird, Florence E. 4 F S 24-May Fulton Co. - Diptheria on Lungs Mayfield Gifford, John J. 89 M W 13-Oct Fulton Co. Farmer Old Age Northampton Gilbert, Arevath 77 F W 11-Feb Conn. - Peralasis Northampton Gleason, Patrick 68 M M 2-Mar England Farmer Congestion of the Lungs Stratford Grant, Margaret 72 F S 1-Jun Fulton Co. - Plursey Johnstown Grebe, Georgie 8 M S 16-May NY - Diphtheria Johnstown Guston, _rnest ? 5/12 M S 16-Aug NY - Inflamation Johnstown Guston, William L. 1 M S 21-Nov NY - Inflamation Johnstown H__nboon?, Seth F. 87 M W 26-Mar Maine Farmer Confirmation of Old Age Northampton Haag, Chris 5 M S 19-Dec NY - Diptheria Gloversville Haag, Jacob 2 1/2 M S 19-Dec NY - Diptheria Gloversville Hadcock, Jacob 71 M W 11-May NY Farmer Inflamation of Stomach Stratford Haggart, Amanda 31 F S 7-Feb NY Glove Maker Inflamation of Bowels Gloversville Harris, Mary 68 F W 20-Dec England Keeping House Infirmition of Age Gloversville Hart, Dora 2 F S 24-May NY - Scarlet Fever Perth Hart, Nath. 64 M W 9-Aug NY - run over by wagon Gloversville Hatmaker, Joseph 75 M W 29-May NY Grocery ____ Congestion of the Lungs Gloversville Haw , William 10 M S 10-Apr NY - Scrofula Broadalbin Hawkins, Joanna (black) 22 M S 20-Sep NY - Typhoid Fever Johnstown Hays, Carrie A. 7 F S 29-Aug NY - Scarlet Fever Oppenheim Hays, Isaac 42 M M 7-Jul NY Farmer Gravel Oppenheim Henry, James H. 47 M M 20-Nov Fulton Co. - Consumption Johnstown Herrby ?, George S. 20 M S 6-Dec Fulton Co. Printer Fever Johnstown Hickox, Miriam 5/12 F S 10-Aug NY - Infantile Atrophy Gloversville Hillebrandt, Mary 20 F S 18-Aug NY - Typhoid Fever Johnstown Hiltz, Loretta 27 F M 10-May NY - Typhoid Fever Johnstown Hinkly, Eva 3/12 F S 10-Sep NY - Cholry Phantom Northampton Hollenbeck, Flora 7/12 F S 9-Mar NY - Eryerpelas ? Perth Hough, Charles 14 M S 20-Oct Montgomery Co. Farmer Subject to Fits Johnstown Houseman, Johney 2 M S 25-Apr Fulton Co. - Scarlet Fever Northampton Hoyt, Addie 31 M S 17-Jul NY - Consumption Johnstown Hull, Chas. A. 4/12 M S 21-Feb NY - Convulsion Fits Gloversville Hunt, Josiah 63 M M 16-Jan NY Shoemaker Dropsey Broadalbin Hurd, Samuel 83 M W 28-May Saratoga Co. Lumberman Old Age Caroga Husted, Samuel 76 M M 27-Nov NY Miller Dropsdery ? Broadalbin James, Louisa 19 F S 20-Feb England - Inflamation of Bowels Broadalbin Janey, Eliza 32 F M 15-Feb NY - Consumption Johnstown Jennings, Barbara 68 F W 1-Dec NY Keeping House Congestion of the Lungs Ephratah Jewell, Dorcas 83 F W 18-Mar NY - Old Age Johnstown Johnson, Elizabeth 34 F W 30-May Ireland Seamstress Consumption Gloversville Johnson, Robert 30 M M 5-Apr Ireland Farmer Consumption Mayfield Kelley, Archabal 4 M S Jan Fulton Co. - Spinal Johnstown Kelly, James 82 M S 24-May NY Farm Laborer Old Age Ephratah Kennedy, David 11 days M S 22-Apr Fulton Co. - Inflamation of Bowels Johnstown Kennedy, James 81 M M 7-Feb NY Farmer Old Age Perth Kenney, Phebe 66 F M 9-Oct NY Housekeeper Ovarian Tumor Mayfield Knapp, Legrand C. 18 - S 23-Apr NY Farm Laborer Typhoid Fever Stratford Labor, James 34 M M 21-Dec NY - Consumption Broadalbin Lake, Sarah 69 F S 27-Apr Fulton Co. - Heart Disease Johnstown Lamont, James 5 1/12 M S 31-Jan Fulton Co. - Scarlet Fever Mayfield Lasher, James 75 M W 23-Mar NY - Palsey and Old Age Broadalbin Lasher, Nellie 1 9/12 F S 15-Nov NY - Diptheria Broadalbin Lawlor, Thomas 22 M M 30-Dec NY Brakeman Run over by cars Johnstown Leavitt, Marvin J. 10/12 M - 16-May NY - Inflammation of Lungs Johnstown Legrange, Almira 57 F M 26-May Fulton Co. - Conjestion of Lungs Johnstown Lepper, Nellie 3 1/12 F - 3-Apr NY - Abcess on Lungs Johnstown Little, Nathaniel N. 63 M M 28-May New Hampshire Mason Typhoid Fever Oppenheim Looper, Marrion 11/12 F S 17-Mar Fulton Co. - Conjestion of Lungs Broadalbin Lord, Mary E. 29 F M 11-Mar NY - Consumption Gloversville Loucks, James 11/12 M S 3-May NY - Croup Ephratah Lrinth, Fred 6/12 M S 6-Aug NY - Infantile Colic Johnstown Madison, Roy 50 M M 15-Feb NY Farmer Brights disease Johnstown Major, Jane 83 D W 28-Jan NY - Darlocation of femur ? Perth Maloy, Edward 28 M M 24-Dec Fulton Co. File Marker Disease of Brian Johnstown Mansfield, Eva 4/12 F S 26-Dec NY - Collera Infantom Stratford Marker, John 4 M S 6-May NY - Erysipelus ? Mayfield Martin, Margaret 1/12 F S 4-Dec Fulton Co. - Congestion on the Brain Northampton Mc Farlan, Dorcas 57 F W 26-May NY - Paralysis Johnstown Mc Neil, Mary 75 F W 3-Apr NY - Apoplexy Johnstown McCuen, Joseph 1 1/3 M S 9-May Fulton Co. - Inflamation of Lungs Northampton McDermit, William 5 M S 27-Jul Fulton Co. - Diptheria Mayfield McDonald, Leo 1 F S 1-Sep NY - Unknown Gloversville McFarland, Anna 17 F S 14-Jan Fulton Co. - Diptheria Mayfield McFarland, Archae? 2 2/3 F S 15-Jan Fulton Co. - Croup & Diptheria Mayfield McGuire, Frank 2 M S 7-Jul NY - Scarlitine Gloversville McLane, James C. 2 5/12 M S 4-Aug NY - Scarlet Fever Stratford McLaughlin, James - M Paup 27-Mar Ireland - - Johnstown McLean?, John D. 78 M W 8-May Fulton Co. Farmer Old Age Johnstown McPherson, Clarissa 19 F M 17-Jun NY - Neurelgia Johnstown Merchant, Jane 75 F M 7-Jan Fulton Co. - Consumption Mayfield M'Ewen, Magaret 47 F S 24-Aug Fulton Co. - Fever Johnstown Millard, Rosa 4 F S 26-Aug NY - Scarlet Fever Stratford Miller, Arthur 2/12 M S 1-Nov NY - Congestion on the Lungs Gloversville Miller, Clyde 3 M S 20-Feb Fulton Co. - Inflamation of Brain Johnstown Miller, Cora 4 F S 13-Jul NY - Scarlet fever Johnstown Miller, David 2 M S 15-Jul NY - Scarlet fever Johnstown Miller, Laura 3 1/2 F S 1-May NY - Congestion on the Brain Gloversville Miller, Lena 2 F S 5-Feb NY - Inflamation of Lungs Broadalbin Miller, Sarah Rush 26 F S 5-Feb Fulton Co. - General Dibility Johnstown Miller, William 12 M S Aug __ Newborn, N.C. - Spotted Fever Johnstown Miller, William 6 M S 30-Apr NY - Dipith Ephratah Mills, Andalusia 52 F M 10-Apr NY Keeping House Nervous Prostration Gloversville Moats, ______ 4 F S Jan? 29 Fulton Co. - Scarlet Fever Johnstown Moats, Elmer E. 10 M S 25-Feb Fulton Co. - Scarlet Fever Johnstown Moore, Anna M. 30 F M 25-Feb Fulton Co. - Consumption Johnstown Moore, Dorthy 82 F W 17-Jan Fulton Co. - Palsy Johnstown Morgan, Anna 2/12 F S 22-Sep NY - Disentary Broadalbin Morgan, William 23 M S 13-Oct Fulton Co. - Typhoid Fever Johnstown Morse, Alta 2 4/12 F - 10-May NY - Congestion of lungs Johnstown Morse, Gracie 1 5/12 F - 8-May NY - Brain fever Johnstown Mosher, Charles 21 M S 7-Dec NY - Consumption Oppenheim Mosher, Delphena 18 F S 21-Sep NY Laborer Inflamation of Bowels Oppenheim Mosher, Delphine 21 F S 20-Apr NY Laborer Measels Oppenheim Mosher, Roxey E. 17 F S 2-Jan NY Housework Consumption Stratford Mussey, Ella 19 M S 27-Aug Fulton Co. - Typhoid Fever Caroga Neil ?, William A. 33 M M 14-Feb England Glovecutter Inflamatory Rhumatism Johnstown Nellis, Burton 24 M M 28-Dec NY Farmer Consumption Oppenheim Newkirk, Nelson 1 M - 5-Aug NY - Cholera Infantion Johnstown Newton, George J. 48 M M 5-May Mass Physician Paralysis Johnstown Nichloy, Edwin 10 M S 28-Jan Fulton Co. - Explosion Kerosene Can Johnstown O Connor, Michael 3 1/12 M S 21-Mar NY - Scarlet Fever Gloversville Palmater, Michael 56 M M 28-Mar Fulton Co. - Feaver Johnstown Parish, George 4/12 M S 17-Dec NY - Inflamation of Lungs Johnstown Parmore, George 6/12 M S 20-Jul Fulton Co. - - Johnstown Paul, Eliza 4/12 F S 1-Sep NY - Cholera Inf. Broadalbin Peckham, Benedick 78 M W 22-Apr R.I. Pedler Old Age Caroga Peckham, Levi 48 M M 9-Sep Fulton Co. Pat. Medicene Appoptetic Fit Caroga Perry, Russell 64 M M 9-Feb NY Farmer Cancer in breast Johnstown Peterson, Miner - - Paup 25-Feb Unknown - Consumption Johnstown Philips, Ida E. 12 3/4 F S 27-Sep Fulton Co. - Diptheria Mayfield Philips, Laura J. 18 5/6 F S 30-Sep Fulton Co. - Diptheria Mayfield Philips, Lewis W. 14 3/4 M S 30-Sep Fulton Co. - Diptheria Mayfield Philips, Walter L. 2 1/2 M S 17-Jan Fulton Co. - Croup Mayfield Phillips, William 42 M M 24-Dec NY Farm Laborer effects of alcohol Ephratah Pierce, Eddie 4 1/2 M S 20-Feb NY - Diptheria Mayfield Pierce, Elsie 9 F S 28-Feb NY - Diptheria Mayfield Pierce, W. H. 1/12 M - 28-Jan NY - Premature Birth Johnstown Platt, Minnie 3 1/4 F S 27-May NY - Drowned in Mill Dam Oppenheim Post, Catherine 68 F M 14-Apr NY House Keeper Dropsy Oppenheim Potter, Susan 73 F M 29-Oct Saratoga Co. - Kidney Complaint Broadalbin Prame ?, Sarah F. 1 2/12 F S 16-Jan NY - Dropsy on the Brain Stratford Putman, Lafyett 9 M S 10-Jul Fulton Co. - Inflamation of Bowels Johnstown Putman, Susan Edwards 24 F M 26-Jun NY Keeping House Consumption Ephratah Quackenbush, Nettie 13 F S 2-Feb NY - Scarlet Fever Johnstown Redshaw, S. 46 M M 15-Aug England Gardner Consumption Gloversville Remington, Fredie ? 1 M S ___ 30 Fulton Co. - Scarlet Fever Johnstown Rice, Ebenezer 73 M M 22-May NY Farmer Erysipelas Johnstown Richards, Giles W. 24 M S 5-Sep NY Farmer Killed by runaway horse Johnstown Richardson, Frank 8 M - 27-Mar NY - Diptheria Johnstown Richardson, Gertrude A. 43 F W 8-Jul NY Housekeeper Disease of Heart Mayfield Richardson, Hattie 5 F - 3-Apr NY - Diptheria Johnstown Rider, Adde May 3/12 F S 10-May NY - Conjestion of Lungs Broadalbin Rivenburgh, Caroline - F Paup 5-Mar Unknown - Child Birth Johnstown Robbins, Lydia 83 F W 2-Jun NY - Old age Johnstown Robinson, Edwin 2 1/2 M S 3-Mar NY - Scarlet Fever Oppenheim Robinson, John 5 M S 1-Mar NY - Scarlet Fever Oppenheim Robison, Eligus P. 68 M M 4-Dec Fulton Co. - Plura Nemonia Mayfield Roger, C. D. 31 M M 22-Oct NY Book keeper Slow fever & Asthma Johnstown Rogers, David 10 M S 28-Nov Fulton Co. - Spinal Fever Johnstown Ross, Homer 70 M M 5-Feb NY Farmer Heart Disease Caroga Rubeck, Lucy M. 2 3/12 F S 6-Apr NY - Fits Broadalbin Rumley, Anne R. 8 F S 4-Sep Fulton Co. - Fever Johnstown Ruse ?, Charles 8/12 M S 7-Sep Fulton Co. - Cholary Infan. Johnstown Saulsbury, Jurusha 55 F M 1-Apr NY Keeping House Aploplexy Gloversville Saxton, Rebecca 74 F W 16-Mar NY - Paralysis Johnstown Schoenfelt, Jennie 9/12 F S 17-Jan Fulton Co. - Typhoid Fever Johnstown Seeley, Jesse - M Paup 4-Jan Unknown - Old Age Johnstown Shaffer, Elizza 72 F W 2-Apr NY House Keeping Consumption Oppenheim Shank, John 2 M S 3-Apr Fulton Co. - Fits Johnstown Shattock, Caroline 19 F S 26-Apr NY - Measles Broadalbin Shaud ?, Anna E. 10 F S 8-Aug NY - Scarlet Fever Stratford Shephard, Charles 1 11/12 M - 6-Jan NY - Diptheria Johnstown Shephard, Ellen 7 F S 7-Jan NY - Diptheria Johnstown Shibley, Elizabeth 42 F M 22-Jan NY Keeping House Consumption Ephratah Shinfelt, William 48 M M 16-May Germany Laborer Consumption Mayfield Shipman, G.A. 11 M S 15-May NY - Heart Disease Broadalbin Shulenbury, Emma 7 F S 10-Sep NY - Scarlet Fever Oppenheim Shulenbury, Margaret 3 F S 6-Nov NY - Scarlet Fever Oppenheim Shults, Geo. 8 M S 10-Nov NY - Inflamation of Bowels Gloversville Shults, Mariah 84 F M 22-Jul Fulton Co. - Paralesis Johnstown Simpson, Helen 86 F W 5-Feb Scotland - Appoplexy Broadalbin Sism ?, Albert 45 M M 25-May Fulton Co. Glove Maker Asma Johnstown Skiff, Chauncy 1 9/12 M - 22-Oct NY - Consumption Johnstown Slater, Duncan 7 M S 12-Nov NY - Diptheria Gloversville Slater, Warren 9 M S 18-Nov NY - Diptheria Gloversville Slauson, Dennis 63 M M 11-Sep NY - Dysentary Oppenheim Smith, Catherine 41 F M 8-Feb NY Keeping House Hepatitis Ephratah Smith, Chas. 34 M M 9-Oct NY Glove Man. Heart Disease Gloversville Smith, Emma 2 F S 10-Nov NY - Dysentery Gloversville Smith, Hez 46 M W 17-Dec Fulton Co. Farmer Congestion of Lungs Bleecker Smith, Infant 12 days M S 16-Feb NY - Unknown Oppenheim Smith, John G. 91 M W 20-Feb NY Farmer Dropsy Perth Snell, Elzina 13 F S 31-Jul NY Laborer Dropsy Oppenheim Snell, Peter 84 M W 1-Mar NY Farmer Old Age Ephratah Snyder, Andrew M. 5 M S 29-May Fulton Co. - Scarlet Fever Northampton Snyder, Myron 22 M S 15-May NY - Spinal Disease Johnstown Sponable, Henry 60 M M 12-Mar NY Farmer Suicide by Hanging Ephratah Sponable, Lester 2 1/4 F S 9-Jul NY - Conoulsious ? Ephratah Stairs, John 69 M M 6-Jun NY - Dropsy Perth Stall, James A. 2 1/2 M S 16-Apr NY - Scarlet Fever Oppenheim Stalup, Henry 85 M M 6-Sep Fulton Co. Farmer General Dibility Johnstown Starrzs, Patrick 32 M S 26-Nov Ireland Farm Labor Consumption Ephratah Steenburgh, Mary M. 30 F M 4-Jun NY Keeping House Consumption Ephratah Steenburgh, Wm. 3 1/2 M S 8-Jul NY - Scarlet Fever Gloversville Stewart, Chrostoe 75 F S 17-Apr Fulton Co. - Congestion of Lungs Johnstown Stewart, Edward 1 2/12 M S 19-Feb NY - Pneumonia Ephratah Stewart, Isalla 69 F M 7-Oct Fulton Co. - Congestion of Lungs Johnstown Still, Celia 14 F S 30-May NY Keeping House Consumption Ephratah Still, Harriet 40 F M 20-Aug NY Keeping House Consumption Ephratah Stock, Jacob 63 M M 15-Nov Jermany Farmer Heart Disease Caroga Stodard, Charley 3 8/12 M S 22-Sep Fulton Co. - Fits Broadalbin Streeter, Maria 45 F M 29-Jan NY - Heart Disease Johnstown Sweet, John K. 48 M M 8-Sep Fulton Co. Farmer Liver Complaint Northampton Swet, Gervsia 57 F M 15-Sep Fulton Co. Housekeeper Appoplexy Northampton Taylor, Irene - F Pau 18-Feb Unknown - Unknown Johnstown Thompson, Ann 84 F M 3-Jun NY - Infirmity of Age Broadalbin Thompson, Hannah 76 F W 7-May NY - Disease of Liver Mayfield Thompson, Lorenzo 23 M S 7-Apr NY College Student Brain Fever Mayfield Traver ?, Lorin ? 4/12 M S 29-Jan NY - Inflamation of Lungs Oppenheim Travis, Phebe 54 F M 9-Sep Fulton Co. Housekeeper Tumor Cancer Northampton Trumbell, Effie 1/12 F S 29-Sep NY - Cold in Lungs Gloversville Tyrrell, William 9/12 M S 18-Aug NY - Cholera Infantum Johnstown Vail, Hattie 3 4/12 F S 14-Jul Fulton Co. - Drowned Mayfield VanAllen, Anna 82 F W 5-Aug NY None Consumption Mayfield Vanarman, A.H. 67 M M 15-Aug Fulton Co. Farmer Congestion on the Lungs Northampton VanAuken, Nancy 22 F M 27-Feb NY - Consumption Broadalbin VanAuker, Sarah E. 29 F M 16-Jun NY - Inflammation of Bowels Johnstown VanAynn, Nancy 20 F M 27-Feb NY Glovemaker Consumption Gloversville VanBuren, Harmon 13 M S 21-Feb Fulton Co. - Scarlet Fever Broadalbin VanBuren, Janean 43 F M 3-Nov Fulton Co. - Tumor in Bowels Mayfield VanDusen, Martha - F Paup 16-Mar Unknown - Unknown Johnstown VanKleck, John 24 M S 29-Oct Saratoga Co. - Typhoid Fever Northampton VanSickle, Anna 1 1/4 F S 24-Oct Fulton Co. - Diptheria Johnstown VanSlyke, Ada 7/12 F S 4-Sep NY - Unknown Gloversville VanVranekin, John B. 40 M M 15-Mar NY Cabinet Maker Consumption and Dropsey Broadalbin VanVranken, Charles 7 M S 18-May NY - Diptheria Johnstown Veghte, Ida May 3 mos. F S 24-Aug NY - Spasms Ephratah Vila, Cynthia 2 8/12 F S 4-Jan NY - Jaundice Broadalbin Vosburgh, Betsy 82 F S 25-Jan NY - Old Age Perth Walker, Charles 8/12 M S 19-Mar NY - Inflamation of Lungs Broadalbin Walker, Simon G. 78 M M 15-Oct Saratoga Co. Farmer Congestive Fever Northampton Walrath, Alace A. 1 7/12 D S 12-Feb NY - Scarlet Fever Oppenheim Ward, Abelena 6/12 F S 13-Aug Fulton Co. - Congestion of Lungs Johnstown Washburn, William 54 M M 28-Oct Hamilton Co. County Sherin Congestion of Lungs Johnstown Weaver, George A. 19 M S 26-Nov NY Farm Laborer Typhoid Fever Stratford Weaver, Helenia 2 F S 18-Feb NY - Croup Oppenheim Weber, Verner 5/12 M S 31-Jul NY - Cholera Infantum Johnstown Welch, Mary 2 F S 22-Jan NY - Scarlet Fever Johnstown West, Anna 22 F M 6-Apr Fulton Co. - Consumption Mayfield West, Catherine 82 F W 15-Jan Fulton Co. - - Johnstown West, John C. 82 M M 4-Dec Fulton Co. - Conjestion of Lungs Johnstown Westervelt, Lana 80 F S 24-Apr NY - Infirmity of Age Broadalbin White, Jas. 2/12 M S 22-Oct NY - Inflamation of Brain Gloversville Whitlock, James L. 68 M W 18-Aug NY - Consumption Broadalbin Whitney, Herbert 3 4/12 M - 13-Feb NY - Scarlet fever Johnstown Wilkins, Hannah M. 52 F M 28-Jun NY Housekeeper Consumption Mayfield Wilkins, James N. 51 M M 14-Mar NY Dealer Patents Consumption Mayfield Wood, Anna 10 F S 5-Jun NY - Scarlet Fever Stratford Wood, Gra M. 2 - S 21-Jun NY - Scarlet Fever Stratford Woodrick, Lina R. 15 F S 2-Oct NY Glove Maker Typhoid Fever Gloversville Woodward, Elisha 75 M M 15-Jan NY Teacher Dropsy Johnstown Worden, ______ V. 79 M W 5-Mar Mass. - Infirmition of Age Gloversville Yager, Charles 21 M M 12-Aug Fulton Co. - Diptheria Mayfield Yager, George 11/12 M S 8-Sep Fulton Co. - Croup Mayfield Yates, John B. 6 M S 17-Jan NY - Diptheria Gloversville Youker, Charles 8/12 M S 29-May NY - Whopping Cough Oppenheim Youker, Willie 3 M S 16-Sep NY - Scarlet Fever Oppenheim Young, Barbara 70 F M 14-Mar NY - Apoplexy Johnstown Young, John 74 M M 13-Mar NY Retired farmer Disease of kidneys Johnstown Young, Stella 4/12 F S 29-Apr NY - Inflamation of Bowells Gloversville Youngs, Adelbert 1 11/12 M - 10-Jul NY - Brain Fever Johnstown